
Mural artwork by Darcy

Behind the Artist

Darcy Danielle Espiritu is a visual artist and an aspiring creator from Montreal, Canada who is inclined specifically in painting and drawing.

Her medium of choice are watercolor, oil, graphite, and ink; the favorite being watercolors.

As an artist, she is innately intuitive, consistently using her emotions, moods as her muse to create her pieces.

She mainly focuses on portraits and human figures where she likes to add a dramatic and abstract flare with each of her brush strokes or paint splatters to portray a work of self-expression, a piece of herself to her audience.

Simultaneously, she is inspired by the organic beauty in simplistic yet elegant chaos -- which sound contradicting. Yet from a single stroke of a line to patterns from only created by nature, there is beauty and chaos coexisting side by side, or even as a part of one another.

Darcy leading a workshop to high school students

Public Speaking and Workshops

I've spent the majority of my life terrified of public speaking like most people... but I realized that I love connecting and communicating with creative like-minded people more than I fear a temporary stage frights.

Interested in having me speak or teach at your event? Click the link below and send me your requirements.

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